Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM

Support Services Program

Support Services Program

SolutionsAe is a contracted provider for the Department of Family and Children Services. We are committed to working with and supporting the needs of families and children in the state of Georgia.

Our Mission is to support Public and Private Agencies in the delivery of comprehensive Child and Family Assessment (CCFA) and Wrap-Around (WA) services to help improve the lives and service outcomes of children and families in the state of Georgia.

Our CCFA goal is to improve service outcomes for children and families, ensure appropriate placement, provide stability and expedite permanency for children in care.

Our Expected Outcome

is to reduce the number of placements experienced by children in out-of-home care;

increase family foster care resources; and

decrease length placement through the provision of quality support services.

Our COVID-19 Telehealth Service Support 

Comprehensive Child and Family Assessment

The Comprehensive Child and Family Assessment (CCFA) is a public/private strategy developed with the goal of improving the well-being, permanency, and safety outcomes for children in foster care through comprehensive assessments. The CCFA serves as the foundation for case planning decisions and for making recommendations to juvenile courts. The CCFA also provides children and families with the opportunity to receive appropriate services and to have successful outcomes.

Homestead Services

The Homestead program helps to stabilize families in need of intensive, crisis-oriented therapeutic intervention in an effort to ensure a safe and healthy family environment. These services are available to families with an open Family Preservation, Permanency, or Adoption Child Welfare case.